Shakespeare Plays for Children
I have adapted and workshopped thirteen Shakespeare plays for elementary students. These plays are part of an interactive Shakespeare for children package which includes:
20 Minute Shakespeare Play
Narrated for children, but the characters say actual lines of Shakespeare text.
This play can be used in school, slumber parties, or with cousins on family vacation. Children take ownership of the story and create this play themselves!
Curriculum for the Classroom
I have a supplemental curriculum package for each play. This curriculum details the exercises and lessons that, over many years of honing, I have found are most effective for igniting students' imaginations about Shakespeare, acting, his plays. In this curriculum students will:
- Learn about William Shakespeare and life during the Elizabethan Era.
- Discover Shakespeare’s impact on language and theatre.
- Speak lines of actual Shakespearean text in a performance (and understand what they are saying!)
- Express themselves creatively through their own language, and through Shakespeare’s text.
- Gain positive experiences with acting, voice, movement, and visual arts.
- Boost their confidence to take on challenging material (Shakespeare is not easy!), work with their peers, and accomplish their goal of sharing this classic story with an audience.
Parents have repeatedly told me how their students come home and teach them these stories! Many of my students have become quite the Shakespeare experts—buying books on him and his plays, and learning so many of his stories that they guess characters and plays before I can teach them.
Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth have a conversation. I love it!
Contact me at for package details.